
Monday 7 December 2015

Museum Art Gallery 2

1. Capturing movement in a still piece is extremely powerful. This artist was able to take moments that almost seem rhythmic and slow them down into an image.
2.Excluding details can make more of a statement than including them. In the piece with the man in the cello, his face isn't drawn in. This makes the piece more mysterious and intriguing.
3.Using different colors for skin tones does not make a human look alien like. I think that I have restricted myself in some ways by only using pinks and browns for undertones for skin but this artist proves that you can use (especially for underwater stills) and it can still look humanlike.
4. Pieces don't need to have a clear point. The top right piece is extremely powerful and feels like it takes you to another universe. I think sometimes I overthink the point behind a piece - but this artist proves that it doesn't always need to be so clear

Thursday 8 October 2015

Art Museam Gallery 1

1. styles of art over history changes but the themes stay the same - sadness, frustration, anger, rage, patriotism, happiness, tension
2. The focus point of each art piece is different. I think its interesting to see what the artist decided to use as their focal point because it can completely change the entire image and the way that the view interrupts the image
3. The greeks started this whole body image thing. The museum included many greek sculptures and it really proved that body image has been a concept that humans have struggled with and obsessed over since the whenevers (i dont know dates)
4.The renaissance pieces are really dramatic - like i know that the renaissance is remembered because of again the themes but these pieces aren't trying to hid anything - if someone wanted to look sad then there would be 50 people crying in one piece. it made me wonder why today our handling of emotions has changed - the social norms of emotions have changed not the emotions.

Sunday 10 May 2015

Watercolor - 2015

  • looks like a cupcake shop cover
  • nice background
  • everything is the same but different - shades are different - looks real
  • use of shadows - looks like cupcakes not circles
  • good choice of image
  • good use of patterns
  • have good contrast
  • good detail in sprinkles