
Monday 27 March 2017

Another breadth

Over the break I was hoping to get a piece done so I did. I ran over to Jane's house, took all of her cards, went to the too busy art friend, and bought a glue gun. I decided that I was going to make something awesome. So for whatever reason, I thought back to my cardboard form where I made the two hands and thought that maybe I would like to do something similar because that assignment felt very intuitive for me. So I thought okay I'll make a chest, with a gigantic rip in it and I'll make hands and then I'll make something to go inside of the chest that you could see through the rip. That did not happen. I got frustrated after a while so I made a rip and I made a little person falling. I really like the person I made of out cards and I think there is something there for me to work with for another breadth (maybe using paper). Yep, so thats my piece. I think its okay and if its photographed properly could look really good.

Sunday 26 March 2017

Concentration 8

Connections: This one ties in with the geometric shape triptych. I like it though because it looks like the shapes ground the paster just as much as the plaster grounds the shapes. I think if I do more touch ups I might make one bigger square so it looks a bit more proportionate so the composition is stronger. Overall though I think it ties in easily with my concentration

Problem solving: I'm going to be honest and tell you that I don't remember much about the last 2 weeks before spring break. I think I just followed the same routine as always.

Concentration 7

Connections and stuff: Yep this one ties in pretty well. I think it is the most "bowl" bowl I've made. But I love this bowl. I was really surprised how symetrical and round it came out. I used balloons for this one and made it a lot bigger than I normally do. And I was more careful when cutting it out bc I could tell that it was fragile but also really round so I wanted to make sure it lasted.

Problem Solving: I was trying to make it look like there were circles falling from above but it wasn't working... looking back though I really don't think I had much patience at the time. I'm going to try again soon.