
Monday 29 April 2013

From Feature Article to Historical Fiction

This feature article unit will benefit my historical fiction writing piece. Next year we will be writing a historical piece. You are probably thinking, how do these two genres connect? Well, when people write historical fiction pieces they write about the past, a time that was before they were born. They normally choose a very specific date or a specific event such as World War 2, the Titanic, Mt. Vesuvius, etc... So in order to know what it was like back then, you have to research. When we wrote this feature articles we had to research a lot about our subject. We all chose subjects that had interested us, and most of us had never researched about them. So basically we had to start from scratch. We had to go on the internet and research our subject. We learned how to find reliable website and different ways to search the same thing. One of the ways that we learned if a website was reliable was if it had .edu, .org, or even .gov. We also learned how to translate someone else's writing and put it in our own. Now, for the historical fiction, I will be able to get very effective research and know if it is very reliable. Also, now I know that I am able to write many genres. This year we have coved many topics such as poetry, realistic fiction, persuasive essay, and feature articles. I have been able to write all of the topics and find each of them fun. Historical fiction will be another genre that I will try. I think having so many writing experiences will help me write the piece. I think this because I have written so many pieces that I am used to trying new writing techniques. I am excited for 8th grade so that I can write this historical fiction and I know that I will be able to write that piece.

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