Problem solving: This was a really hard one to make. I used the massive balloons to make this piece and originally wanted to fill the plaster inside and then pump air into the balloon. It at the beginning looked like it was going to work because I was rotating the balloon so the plaster was covering all over the inside but it eventually ended up cracking. So then I tried pouring it on the outside but the balloon kept slipping so nothing was sticking. I tied a weight to the fastener of the balloon and then it worked. It was a tough piece to do but I think it paid off.
Connections: I think this ties in easily with the rest of my concentration. I like the fact that I didn't make a stand with it because I think it is texturally so interesting. It has a different feel compared to the other 2 pieces I made where I poured the plaster on top. This one almost looks like a crater to me which I kinda like.
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